“A 12-year Journey To Become An Eagle Scout”
Sept. 2008 -to- Sept. 16th 2020

Born To Be A Scout


Court of Honor
November 22nd 2020


Jaydon received a special citation and congratulatory presentation from the Howard County Executive (Dr. Calvin Ball)


12-year Journey To Become
An Eagle Scout 09/2008 – 11/2020


Eagle Scout Project: I began my journey in Boy Scouts of America as a Tiger Scout (1st Grade – 2008) and achieved Eagle Scout Rank on September 16, 2020. Scouting grabbed my attention at a young age and remains one of my passions.

Becoming an Eagle Scout is one of my most challenging yet rewarding achievements. Working through the requirements, earning 22 merit badges, and attending high adventure scouting camps gave me invaluable experiences, life-skills, memories and friendships that are an important part of my life.

It was an exciting 12-year journey and I am very proud to be an Eagle Scout because less than 15% of the scouts achieve the rank of Eagle and less than 2% are African American.

Successful completion of my Eagle Scout journey required me to plan and execute an Eagle Project that would test my leadership skills and benefit the community. I chose to build a state-of-the-art, high-capacity computer for HAACC. I custom built the computer (from scratch) and it is working flawlessly.

This computer will allow HCCAAC to expand their historical repository, increase their efficiency and expand their website and social media presence.

I am proud to have received a special citation and congratulatory presentation from the Howard County Executive

“Boy Scouts of America – Advancement Ranks

Jaydon’s 12 Year Journey To Become An Eagle Scout

LEARN MORE ABOUT ... The Ambitions & Goals -of- Jaydon LeRoi Hodge

"Your Ability To Be GREAT ... Is Already Within You! ... (~Dad - LeRoy Hodge)